AQUATECH CHINA上海国际水展是全球规模最大、专业性最强的国际顶级水处理展会,已成功举办至第八届,现场汇聚了超过30个国家的2千多家优质展商,A.O.史密斯作为全球水处理行业的领军品牌,在现场展出的MAX长效反渗透处理技术、无桶大流量设计、智能滤芯提示功能等核心科技,成为现场关注和赞誉的焦点。6月10日,2015上海国际水展(AQUATECH CHINA)在国家会展中心盛大开幕。正值141年华诞的美国水家电巨头A.O.史密斯,携旗下家用、商用全系列反渗透净水机、立式净饮一体机、中央净水、中央软水、全屋净水系统等创新精品,以及首款电商定制净水机,璀璨亮相本次盛会。
AQUATECH CHINA Shanghai International Water Expo is the world’s largest and most professional international top-level water treatment exhibition, has been successfully held until the Eighth, the scene brought together more than 2,000 countries over 30 exhibitors, AO Smith as a global water Deal with the industry’s leading brands in the field on display MAX long-term reverse osmosis treatment technology, barrel-free flow design, smart filter tips and other core technologies, has become the focus of attention and praise on the spot. On June 10, 2015, AQUATECH CHINA opened its doors to the National Convention Center. At the 141 anniversary of the United States, AO Smith, the giant of water appliances in the United States, brought along a full range of domestic and commercial reverse osmosis water purifiers, vertical integrated drinking fountains, innovative water purifiers such as Central Water Purification, Central Water Softener and Whole House Water Purification System The first e-commerce custom water purifier, bright debut this event.