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电动工具按其使用功能可以分为两类,即工业用电动工具和家用电动工具。工业用电动工具是指在工业生产过程中所使用的电动工具,一般为低值易耗品,故其需求量很大。目前,在我国工业用电动工具仍是电动工具需求的主体。但在一些工业发达国家,由于工业自动化水平高,工业用电动工具在电动工具总销售量中的比重逐渐减少,而家用电动工具却增长很快,占据了主导地位,也正因如此,才促成我国生产的价格低廉的电动工具近几年大批量出口到欧美等工业发达国家。 Power tools can be divided into two categories according to their use functions, namely industrial power tools and household power tools. Industrial power tools refer to the power tools used in the industrial production process. They are generally low-value consumables. Therefore, their demand is large. At present, the industrial power tools in China are still the main demand for power tools. However, in some industrialized countries, due to the high level of industrial automation, the proportion of industrial power tools in the total sales of power tools has gradually decreased, and household power tools have grown rapidly, occupying a dominant position, and it is precisely because of this that it has contributed to Low-priced electric tools produced in China have been exported to industrial developed countries such as Europe and America in recent years.
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