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近期,在韩建宏老师的组织和指导下,就概念教学这一话题我们展开了一系列的活动。从小组的组长推选到临时班长的产生,使得我们再一次感受了集体协作的妙处。有趣的图形描述,充分体现了单向交流时,即教师讲述存在许多不足,从参与的学员根据描述得到的形象各异的图形,不难看出单向交流给予学生的听觉刺激,得到的信息是有差异的,受学生的认知水平影响和教师表述的语言的精确性等因素影响,感悟到单向交流存在着许多 Recently, under the guidance of Han Jianhong’s teacher, we started a series of activities on the topic of concept teaching. From the selection of the group leader to the temporary monitor, we feel once again the beauty of collective collaboration. Interesting graphical description, fully reflects the one-way communication, that is, there are many shortcomings of teachers, students from participating in the description of the image obtained by different graphics, it is easy to see the one-way communication to give students the auditory stimulation, the information is Differences, influenced by the cognitive level of the students and the accuracy of the language expressed by the teacher and other factors, realize that there are many one-way communication
主动学习是指学习者自觉确定学习时间及选择学习方法、监控学习过程、评价学习结果的过程。主动学习强调形成学生积极主动的学习态度、学习兴趣、主动参与,培养学生的独特性和主动性,在教师的指导下进行富有个性化学习。新课程标准理念之一,就是培养学生主动学习能力。在教师的组织和引导下,让学生掌握学习的主动权,激发学生的主体意识,以实现自我发展而主动的、积极的参与学习。  1.激发学生的学习兴趣。兴趣是做好任何事