7月11日,澳大利亚南澳州州长魏杰(Jay Weatherill)率团访问山东,陪同他访问的还有澳大利亚驻华大使孙芳安(Frances Adamson)。这是魏杰自2010年9月上任后首次访华,行程中把山东列为重要一站。魏杰表示,“之所以这样做,是因为山东省与南澳州作为26年的友好省州,情谊太深,山东对南澳州太重要。”山东省与南澳州于1986年4月正式
On July 11, Jay Weatherill, governor of South Australia, led a delegation to visit Shandong Province. Frances Adamson, the Australian ambassador to China, accompanied him on his visit. This is the first visit to China by Wei Jie since taking office in September 2010, making Shandong an important stop on his itinerary. Wei Jie said that “This is done because Shandong and South Australia as 26-year-old friendly provinces and states, Shandong is too important for South Australia. ” Shandong and South Australia in April 1986 officially