黑茶遗韵传湘风 一泓清流润心间 湖南白沙溪茶品飘香古城西安

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近日,在2012年西安第六届国际茶博会上,湖南白沙溪茶厂股份有限公司不仅带来了茶文化的视觉盛宴,而且让市民们享受到了黑茶带给舌齿嘴角的醇香,至今在这座历史文化名城里余香不散。西安茶博会巧遇我国“文化遗产”纪念日,历史文化的碰撞与交融更显得亮点纷呈。作为全国百强茶企代表者之一的白沙溪茶厂,在这次茶会上风光无限:首先是原始生态的“千两茶号子”表演响彻古都西安。“伙计们嘞……把杠抬哦……齐心压嘞用力踩呦……”一声来自湖南安化山区的“号子”带来了国家非物质文化遗产——千两茶技艺的展示。这是白沙溪七位杠爷在本届茶博会上为陕西人民带来的“白沙溪安化千两茶号子表演”。那神秘而又充满力量和感情的千两茶号子舞,是从国家非物质文化遗产千两茶技艺中演化而来的劳动舞蹈,以“号子”所引导来展示安化千两茶制作过程。白沙溪人将这种原生态的带有浓郁茶文化气息的男子群舞首次带 Recently, at the 6th International Tea Expo in Xi’an in 2012, Hunan Baishaxi Tea Factory Co., Ltd. not only brought a visual feast of tea culture, but also made citizens enjoy the mellow flavor of black tea brought to the mouth. In this historical and cultural city fragrant. Xi’an Tea Expo coincided with China “cultural heritage ” anniversary, the collision and blending of history and culture even more bright spots. As one of the representatives of the top 100 tea enterprises in Baisha Creek tea factory, the scenery at this tea party is infinite: the first is the primitive ecology “Qian Liangcha Chazi ” performance resounded in the ancient capital of Xi’an. “Guys 嘞 ... lift the bar ... oh ... put pressure on the hard step Yo ... ...” came from Hunan Anhua mountain “son” has brought the national intangible cultural heritage - one thousand two tea skills The show. This is Baisha Creek seven bar Lord at this Tea Expo for the Shaanxi people brought “Baishaxi Anhua Qianliangchazi ”. The mysterious but full of strength and feelings of the Qian Liang Cha Ziwu, is from the national intangible cultural heritage Qianliangcha art evolved from the labor dance, with “son ” to guide to show Anhua Qian Liang Tea production process. Baisha Creek people will be the original eco-rich with a strong culture of tea group dance for the first time
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