本文对大陆和香港的弱智儿童语言教育目标、教育计划、教材、教育 手段、教育人员构成等直接影响弱智儿童语言教育的相关因素进行了初步的 比较。结果显示,两地在弱智儿童语言教育的大目标和主要教育内容、教育 手段等诸方面大致相同,但在某些具体项目,如语言教育理念、教材等方面有 所区别,各有所长。我们希望,通过此研究加强大陆与香港两地同行间的沟 通与互助,做到相互借鉴,以取他人之长补我辈之不足,最终达到共同进步。
This article makes a preliminary comparison of the related factors that directly affect the language education of mentally retarded children in China, Hong Kong, such as language education goals, education programs, teaching materials, means of education, and composition of educators. The results show that the two places generally have the same major goals, main educational content and means of education in language education for mentally retarded children. However, there are differences between the two places in terms of language education concepts and teaching materials, and their merits. We hope that through this study, we will step up mutual communication and mutual assistance among our counterparts in mainland China and Hong Kong so as to learn from each other so as to take advantage of others to make up for my inadequacy and eventually achieve common progress.