蔬菜的无公害防治包括选用抗病品种、科学管理、采取优化栽培等方法。现介绍几种不用化学农药防治病虫害的方法。 一、利用植物性农药防治 1.大蒜液。用0.5公斤紫皮大蒜剥皮捣碎,密封放置2~3小时,挤出汁液,加入0.5公斤用热水溶解的肥皂。使用时再加125公斤水搅成泡沫状喷洒,可防治蔬菜霜霉病、白粉病、炭疽病等;2.辣椒液。取小辣椒0.5公斤,加少量水煮沸10分钟,再加入切成薄片的肥皂0.5公斤,使用时再加水150~
Harmless prevention and control of vegetables, including the selection of disease-resistant varieties, scientific management, to take optimal cultivation methods. Here are several ways to prevent pests and diseases without chemical pesticides. First, the use of plant-based pesticide control 1. Garlic liquid. Peeled and crushed with 0.5 kg of purple garlic, placed in sealed 2 to 3 hours, squeeze out the juice, add 0.5 kg of soap dissolved in hot water. When used together with 125 kilograms of water into a foam spray, can prevent vegetables downy mildew, powdery mildew, anthracnose, etc .; 2 pepper liquid. Take small chili 0.5 kg, add a small amount of water to boil for 10 minutes, then add the thin slices of soap 0.5 kg, when used with water 150 ~