警力下沉转作风 联村联心创满意——杭州市萧山区全面推行“全警联村·一村多警”工作机制

来源 :公安学刊(浙江警察学院学报) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shaoyuqi521
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今年以来,杭州市公安局萧山区分局以提升群众安全感、满意度为落脚点,进一步改进和优化城乡社区主动警务模式,创新推行“全警联村·一村多警”工作机制,最大限度把警力下沉到基层,把警务工作触角延伸至群众,切实转变作风,服务群众,受到了党委政府和广大群众的充分肯定与一致好评。省委副书记、政法委书记李强,市委副书记、政法委书记王金财,省公安厅副厅长、市委常委、市公安局局长柯良栋等领导专门作出批示,要求予以总结推广。一、推动警力下沉,做强联村队伍。在全区572个村(社区)设立警民联系室,每个村(社区)确定1名联村民警,作为社区民警的搭档和补充,主要承担走访干部群众、排查化解矛盾、指导安全防范、服务辖区群众等四项职责。现有的社区民警在继续承担辖区日常警务工作的同时,确定其中一个治安最为复杂的村(社区)作为自己的联系村;其余村(社区) Since the beginning of this year, the Xiaoshan District Branch of Hangzhou Public Security Bureau has been working hard to improve the sense of security and satisfaction of the masses and to further improve and optimize the active policing mode of urban and rural communities. , To maximize the police force sink to the grassroots level, the police work tentacles extended to the masses, effectively change their style, serve the masses, by the party committee and government and the masses fully affirmed and unanimously praised. Li Qiang, deputy secretary of the CPC Shaanxi Provincial Committee and secretary of the Politics and Law Committee, Wang Jincai, deputy secretary of the Municipal Party Committee and secretary of the Politics and Law Committee, and deputy director of the Provincial Public Security Bureau, Ke Liangdong, member of the Municipal Committee and Municipal Public Security Bureau made special instructions and urged them to summarize and popularize. First, to promote the police force sink, strengthen the village team. A police and community contact room is established in 572 villages (communities) in the entire district. Each village (community) identifies 1 village police as its partner and supplement to the community police. It mainly undertakes visiting cadres and masses, investigating and resolving conflicts, guiding safety and prevention, Service area of ​​the masses and other four responsibilities. The existing community police, while continuing to undertake routine police work in the area, determine one of the most complicated villages (communities) as their own contact village; the remaining villages (communities)
大连市档案学会3月30日在本市召开秘书长会议。各区、市县档案学会、专业委员会秘书长参加会议。会议总结了2000年工作 ,部署2001年工作任务 ,并传达了辽宁省档案学会、市科协、市社科联
1999年 9月 28日,在中国桥梁建设史上是一个值得自豪的日子。跨径 1385米的江阴长江公路大桥的建成通车,标志着我国的建桥技术已跻身世界先进行列,几代桥梁专家久久期盼的千米悬