大千世界,有收藏价值的珍品千奇百怪,数不胜数。定制钢琴,独一无二的艺术品对定制钢琴的了解,源自美国著名钢琴家李勃拉琪爵士。他为自己定制的Baldwin水晶钢琴,在美国乐坛引起巨大轰动。著名抽象派艺术家Michael Ethridge说,他创作的最有现代艺术特质的作品,并不是真正的画作,而是一架油画风格的定制钢琴,取名“B小调的华丽”。这架能配得上Michael Ethridge画作的钢琴,正是全球奢侈钢琴的代表Baldwin,它的钢琴个性化定制在美国推出后,迅速受到艺术家和富豪们
There are numerous rare and precious treasures worth collecting. Custom Piano, a unique art of custom piano understanding, from the famous American pianist Sir Li Bo Laqi. He custom-made Baldwin crystal piano, causing a huge sensation in the American music scene. The famous abstract artist Michael Ethridge said that the most modern art he created was not a real painting, but a canvas-style piano, named “Blend of B minor”. This can match the paintings of Michael Ethridge piano, it is the world’s luxury piano Baldwin representative, the piano customization of its introduction in the United States, quickly by the artists and the rich