研究了钾镁肥在烤烟生产中施用的效果。结果表明 ,施用新型矿质钾镁肥 ,可以促进烟草生长发育 ,改善植物学性状 ,具有一定的增产、增质的效果 ,尤其是Mg2 +的施入 ,使烟株生长旺盛 ,光合作用增强 ,烤后叶色桔黄 ,品质提高 ,烟叶钾含量呈升高趋势
The effects of potassium and magnesium fertilizers applied in flue-cured tobacco production were studied. The results showed that the application of new mineral potassium and magnesium fertilizer can promote the growth and development of tobacco and improve the botanical characters, and has the effects of increasing yield and increasing the quality. In particular, the application of Mg2 + makes the tobacco plants grow vigorously and the photosynthesis is enhanced. After the orange color, quality, leaf potassium content showed an upward trend