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小学六年级是小学阶段的终结,而六年级的总复习是对六年数学知识进行系统的、有条理的梳理,使学生对小学数学知识掌握得更加牢固,也为随之而来的初中学习打下坚实的基础。然而,总复习对于学生而言,知识容量多,跨度大,所学的知识遗忘率高,对于教师而言,时间紧,任务重,那么怎样才能使六年级数学的总复习更加高效呢?现就我几年的六年级任教经验,谈谈如何搞好六年级数学的总复习。一、营造复习的浓厚氛围1.建立良好的师生关系,使学生乐于复习 The sixth grade of elementary school is the end of primary school. The sixth grade general review, on the other hand, provides a systematic and orderly review of the six-year mathematical knowledge so as to enable students to master the elementary mathematics knowledge more firmly and to follow the junior middle school learning lay a solid foundation. However, the total review for students, knowledge of large capacity, large span, the high rate of knowledge forgotten, for teachers, time is tight, the task is heavy, then how to make the sixth grade maths total review more efficient? On my years of sixth grade teaching experience, talk about how to do a good job sixth grade mathematics review. First, to create a strong atmosphere for review 1. Establish a good relationship between teachers and students so that students willing to review