张运军 技术创新是非常重要的事

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素描痴迷发明、犟劲十足,为设计汽车转向节模具连续两个月每天近20个小时待在车间。28年栉风沐雨,攻克了无数技术难关,从一名普通的技术人员成长为国内知名高级工程师,并带领一个濒临倒闭的地方小企业成长为行业佼佼者。以身示范,鼓励员工创新,带领研制出的锻模薄层焊丝堆焊修复工艺,与国际接轨,填补了国内空白。着眼智能制造,打造出国内首条转向节全自动无人生产线,对实现锻造公司的跨越式发展具有里程碑意义。他是,湖北三环锻造有限公司总经理张运军。 Obsessed with the invention of the sketch, energetic, for the design car steering knuckle die for two consecutive months nearly 20 hours a day in the workshop. In 28 years, it has been able to tackle numerous technical difficulties and grow from an ordinary technician to a well-known senior engineer in China and lead a small local enterprise on the verge of collapse into a leader in the industry. Demonstration to encourage employees to innovate, led the developed die forging welding wire surfacing repair process, with international standards, to fill the gaps. Focus on intelligent manufacturing, to create the first steering knuckle automatic unmanned production line, to achieve forging company’s leapfrog development landmark. He is Zhang Yunjun, general manager of Hubei Sanhuan Forging Co., Ltd.
1987年端阳诗人节,中华诗词学会在北京成立。次年5月15日福建中华诗词学会(即今福建省诗词学会)在福州诞生。学会首届代表大会公推时任中华诗词学会顾问,福建省政协 1987 Da
帝都天气刚一转暖,老友驴皮就有来电:俺已在忘形山择一山清水秀之所,携妻儿回归田园了。我忙问:北京的房子呢?工作呢?回去干吗呢?答曰:卖了,辞了,种核桃。再问:为啥呀?再答:数年参悟,心动即行。  驴皮乃一神人。我们从幼儿园到高中毕业,都厮混在一个班里。他自小喜欢相声,还穿着开裆裤就开始编段子,十二岁那年又迷上快板书,成天嘴上磨磨叨叨。高中后又恋上演戏,为此三度攻打中央戏剧学院,不幸皆败下阵来,最后
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2011年秋天,随公司同事一起去武夷山旅游。自小不爱喝茶,也从不明白茶的好,但范仲淹有诗云:“溪边奇茗冠天下,武夷仙人从古栽。”看来不喝两口武夷岩茶,这趟攀山逐水之行,定是败兴而归了。  导游是个年近三十的女子,带领我们穿街走巷,品尝了声名在外的大红袍,也啜饮了甘醇清雅的金骏眉。前后喝了二十多味不同的茶,无从选择,只好请教她哪味最好。她淡淡一笑,说每味都好,遇到了,是缘分,喜欢,也是缘分,没有好坏
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