患者女47岁。发现右侧乳腺肿块1个月入院,1999年因结节性甲状腺肿行双侧甲状腺部分切除术。查体:右侧乳腺外上象限可及一肿块,约2 cm×2 cm,边界欠清楚,质地硬,无压痛,活动度欠佳,双侧腋窝未及肿大淋巴结。入院后行双肺部CT、肝胆脾B超均未见病变。完善术前准备后手术治疗。术中见肿块边界欠清楚,剖视呈实性,无明显包膜,中央区组织质地极脆。术中冷冻切片结果提示右侧乳腺癌。遂按照术前方案行右侧乳腺癌改良根治术,术中可见腋下多个大小不等淋
The patient is 47 years old. Found that the right breast lumps 1 month hospitalized, 1999 due to nodular goiter bilateral thyroidectomy. Physical examination: the right upper quadrant outside the upper quadrant can be a mass, about 2 cm × 2 cm, the border is not clear, hard texture, no tenderness, poor mobility, bilateral axillary and enlarged lymph nodes. After admission, double lung CT, hepatobiliary and splenic B-none of the lesions. Improve the preoperative preparation for surgery. Intraoperative see the tumor boundary is not clear, the profile was solid, no significant capsule, the central area of tissue texture very brittle. Intraoperative frozen section results suggest right breast cancer. Then in accordance with the preoperative program modified right radical mastectomy, the surgery can be seen in the armpit ranging from multiple sizes