虚实论是中国传统文化的重要论说,认为天地万物以及一切艺术和审美活动都是虚与实的统 一。艺术创作和审美活动惟有实现虚与实的统一,才能达到完满的境界。“实处之妙,皆因虚 处而生”,虚实论的重要表现是虚实相生、以实化虚、以虚运实,本文试图运用虚实理论观照中 外电影在这一美学范畴中的表现。从局部来说,一些中外电影在画面和段落中自觉地追求虚 实结合,做到了“不以虚为虚,而以实为虚,化景物为情思”。从整体来看,一些中外影片为我 们营造了一个又一个虚实相生的影像世界,本文从缺席与在场、梦幻与现实、舞台与人生三个 方面进行了论述。
The theory of virtual reality is an important argument of Chinese traditional culture and holds that all things in the world and all artistic and aesthetic activities are the unity of virtuality and reality. Only in achieving the unification of art and aesthetic activities, can we reach a perfect state. “Realistic ingenuity, all because of the imaginary place”, the important manifestation of the theory of the actual situation is the actual situation, in order to actualize the imaginary, with the virtual reality, this article attempts to use the actual situation of Chinese and foreign films in the perspective of the performance of this category of aesthetics. From a local perspective, some Chinese and foreign films conscientiously pursue the combination of the actual situation and the actual situation in the pictures and paragraphs. As a whole, some Chinese and foreign films have created one after another the world of images of reality and reality. This article elaborates from three aspects: absence and presence, dream and reality, stage and life.