在第二次鸦片战争中,清王朝除了正面与英法侵略者作战、交涉外,还从侧面组织力量进行第二条战线的抵抗,即由地方官绅出面,召集民众,实行团练,出击和扰乱侵略者;而皇帝和地方官则佯装与己无干,暗中进行操纵,给予扶持。这种奇特的抵抗方式用清朝皇帝的话来概括,便叫作“招民团练,辑民攘夷”。笔者现据史料对此加以论述,以就教于方家。1 清政府推行“辑民攘夷”政策早在第一次鸦片战争时期就开始了。到1849年的广东“反入城斗争”前后,这种方式已经发展成比较固定的外交模式。其时,英国公使文翰请求进入广州,并率领英国兵船驶入省河要挟。两广总督徐广缙和广东巡抚叶名琛组织社学民勇数万人齐集两岸,挥矛投石,杀声震天,暂时挫败了侵略者进
In the Second Opium War, the Qing dynasty, in addition to fighting and negotiating positively with the British and French invaders, also organized forces from the side to carry out the resistance on the second front, that is, the local officials and gentry came forward to convene the masses and conduct massacre and attack and disrupt Invaders; and the emperor and local officials pretend and have no dry, secretly manipulated, to give support. This peculiar way of resistance, summarized by the words of the Qing emperor, is called “recruiting cadres and practicing people’s repression.” The author historical data to be discussed in order to teach in Fang. As early as the first Opium War, the Qing government’s policy of “Enlisting the people and barbarians” began. This approach has evolved into a relatively fixed diplomatic mode before and after the anti-city struggle in Guangdong in 1849. At that time, the British Minister Wen Han asked to enter Guangzhou and lead the British soldiers and vessels into the provincial embezzlement. Governor Xu Guangjin of Guangdong Province and Guangdong and Ye Mingchen, the governor of Guangdong, organized a gathering of tens of thousands of people in civil society to gather the two sides of the Taiwan Strait and spear spears and slay them. They temporarily thwarted the aggressors