1 品种选择低温期栽培选用低温结果性强的品种,如状元、蜜世界、金香玉、早春晚秋等品种。高温期栽培选用高温品质仍稳定的品种,如金姑娘、蜜橙等。2 播种育苗根据厚皮甜瓜耐热不耐寒的特性,武平县应在2月上旬至9月上旬间播种。育苗可用营养钵或穴盘介质育苗,用种量60~70g/667m~2。播种前用55℃温水消毒15min,再用清水浸种6~8h后捞起置于25~30℃的阴暗处催芽,待大部分种子露芽后可播种,播种时芽尖向下,种子平放,每穴1粒,盖上细土,并用绿
Selection of a variety of low-temperature selection of cultivars at low temperature fruitful varieties, such as champion, honey world, jasper, early spring late autumn and other varieties. High-temperature cultivation selection of high-temperature quality is still stable varieties, such as gold girl, honey and orange. 2 sow seedling According to the characteristics of hard-skinned muskmelon heat-resistant, Wuping County should be sowed in early February to early September. Nursery seedlings can be used nutrition bowl or plug seedlings, with the amount of 60 ~ 70g / 667m ~ 2. Before sowing with 55 ℃ warm water disinfection 15min, and then soaked in water 6 ~ 8h after picked up at 25 ~ 30 ℃ shady sprout, until most of the seeds can be planted after planting buds, buds down when sown, flat seeds , 1 per hole, covered with fine soil, and with green