目的探讨宫颈TCT细胞学涂片在宫颈早期病变发现中的应用价值。方法对我院2008年4月至2009年1月3387例TCT检查及TBS分类结果进行分析。结果在3387例检查中阳性涂片119例,阳性率为3.51%,主要分布在36~45岁年龄段。其中ASC-US 36例(1.07%)、ASC-H 30例(0.88%)、LSIL 39例(1.15%)、HSIL 11例(0.32%)、鳞癌2例(0.06%)。TCT阳性涂片与阴道镜下活检病理结果符合率为ASC-US(53.13%)、ASC-H(82.14%)、LSIL(59.46%)、HSIL(90.9%)、SCC(50%)。结论对36~45岁年龄段妇女进行宫颈液基细胞学检测,能够早期发现宫颈上皮内瘤变,有利于预防宫颈癌的发生。
Objective To investigate the value of cervical TCT cytology smears in the detection of early cervical lesions. Methods 3387 cases of TCT and TBS in our hospital from April 2008 to January 2009 were analyzed. Results In the 3387 cases of positive smear in 119 cases, the positive rate was 3.51%, mainly in the 36-45 age group. There were 36 cases of ASC-US (1.07%), 30 cases of ASC-H (0.88%), 39 cases of LSIL (1.15%), 11 cases of HSIL (0.32%) and 2 cases of squamous cell carcinoma (0.06%). The coincidence rates of TCT positive smears and colposcopic biopsy results were ASC-US (53.13%), ASC-H (82.14%), LSIL (59.46%), HSIL (90.9%) and SCC (50%). Conclusions Cervical liquid-based cytology in women aged 36-45 years can detect cervical intraepithelial neoplasia early and prevent the occurrence of cervical cancer.