1 说“教材”1.1学习内容 本节课的学习内容是初三几何“ 6.1 正弦和余弦”的第一节课,内容包括锐角正弦的概念、特殊角的正弦值和例1教学.1.2 教材分析 本节课是在学习了相似三角形和直角三角形有关性质的基础上,进一步学习锐角三角函数.本节内容,是学好本章的基础,也是学生将来高中学习三角函数的基础.所以锐角三角函数是承前启后的基础知识;
1 Speaking “Teaching Books” 1.1 Learning Content The learning content of this lesson is the first lesson of the third grade geometry “6.1 Sine and Cosine”. The content includes the concept of acute angle sine, the sine of special angles, and teaching in Example 1.1.2 Teaching Material Analysis This lesson is based on learning the similarities of similar triangles and right-angled triangles. Further study of the acute-angled trigonometric functions is the basis for learning this chapter. It is also the basis for students to learn trigonometric functions in high schools in the future. Therefore, the acute-angled trigonometric function is the Basic knowledge