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脂肪肉瘤多发生在软组织中,原发于肺内者罕见。我院收治一例,报告如下。患者大,32岁,以间断咯血胸痛1年于1987年4月9日入院。不发烧无盗汗。体检:T:36.7℃,一般情况尚好,表浅淋巴结无肿大。气管居中,胸廓对称,左后胸肩胛线第八、九肋间语颤减弱,叩诊实音,呼吸音消失,心脏无异常。腹平软,肝脾未触及。实验室检查:WBC9.8×10~9/LN72%,L28%,ESR100mm/h,尿常规,肝、肾功能检查无异常。X线胸片示左肺下叶有一12×10×10cm肿块阴影,上缘清晰,下缘与膈相连。B超于左后胸八、九肋间探及实质性均质回声,无液性暗区,大小与胸片所示相符。临床诊 Liposarcomas occur in soft tissues and are rare in primary lungs. In our hospital, one case was reported. The report is as follows. The patient was 32 years old and was admitted to hospital on April 9, 1987 with intermittent hemoptysis and chest pain for 1 year. No fever and no night sweats. Physical examination: T: 36.7 °C, the general situation is still good, no superficial lymph nodes. The trachea was centered and the thorax was symmetric. The eighth and nine intercostals trembled at the left posterior thorax and shoulder line weakened, and the real sound was heard, the breath sounds disappeared, and the heart had no abnormalities. The abdomen is soft and the liver and spleen are not touched. Laboratory tests: WBC 9.8×10~9/LN72%, L28%, ESR 100mm/h, urine routine, liver and kidney function tests were normal. The X-ray showed a shadow of a 12×10×10 cm mass in the left lower lobe. The upper edge was clear, and the lower edge was connected to the hernia. B is superior to the left and right chests in the eight and nine intercostals and is substantially homogenous, with no liquid dark areas, and the size is consistent with the chest radiograph. Clinical diagnosis
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婴儿黑色素性神经外胚层瘤是一种极少见的肿瘤,目前见诸文献报道的尚不足60例。其特点是发生在一岁内的婴儿上颌前部,呈蓝黑色的包块。现报告2例如下: 例1 邵某,男,6个月,住
我院1971年至1989年共收治鼻及鼻旁窦肿瘤157例,良性肿瘤134例,恶性肿瘤23例,两者比例为5.8:1。现将134例良性肿瘤发病概况,临床特征及治疗等报告如下。 From 1971 to 1989,
建设工程施工合同,是工程实施阶段约束承、发包双方行为的法规性文件,也是承、发包双方在工程施工过程中最高的行为准则。 The construction project construction contract
随着云贵两省交界处的一批风电场陆续开工建设,总投资4×108元至10×108元的风力发电机组生产基地在贵州遵义正式开工,云贵高原加速聚集“风力”形成“绿色风谷”基地。 Wit
分别用 ras 和 myc 癌基因对一株 SV-40转化的肝细胞系进行了转化试验以及转化细胞的诱瘤性试验。我们的结论是:①1株 SV-40转化的肝细胞系——CWSV1细胞系能被 ras 和myc DN