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  I think people are hungry for something that shows more respect for the complexity of life, the depth, the grey areas.
   —Ang Lee
  There is no tale as old as that of good versus evil. We see it in Beowulf, the oldest complete literary document in English currently known. The theme resonates throughout religious texts. It can even be seen in history texts: Allies vs. Axis, Greece vs. Persia, the conquistadors vs. the Incas. Yet things aren’t always so black and white. The grey must be considered—that area where right and wrong aren’t always so divided.
  First up, Forget What You Know about Good Study Habits looks at the damage that can be done when, although we think we’re doing right, we’re actually harming ourselves. Even in the face of facts we occasionally “walk around with all sorts of unexamined beliefs about what works that are mistaken.” The Secret Cost of Shame adds to this theory by examining what happens when parents shame their children into acting better. Although we see immediate results in behaviour improvement (and therefore think we’re doing good), the long-term harm to self-esteem can be devastating. So does that mean it’s bad?
  Well, what’s wrong with “bad”? In The Curse of the Good Girl we see that sometimes bad is good—and good is bad. Sometimes, being a Bad Girl means being a critical thinker and self-possessed leader. However, these qualities are commonly interpreted as being a proud rebel, or an attention-hogging rule breaker. Feminism and equality may be on the rise, but our too-often stereotypical views of a Good Girl can lead to the stunting of emotional growth.
  Finally, For Richer, for Poorer tells the personal account of one girl who followed her heart, despite what those around her said because she knew what she wanted: love. And maybe that’s all we can do—follow our hearts. In the end, it’s not really about right vs. wrong or black vs. white; it’s about finding the grey area that’s right for you, because the “all or nothing” philosophy, more often than not, leads to nothing.
It is no wonder that modern human beings carry a legacy of 1)animalism; we evolved, after all, from the animal kingdom. And as we are positioned and situated at least one step further in the evolution
When bats go out to hunt, they send out 1)sonar signals at such high frequencies and in such rapid bursts that they can hear the signals bounce off mosquitoes in midair. They then 2)zero in on the ins
Diana Vickers(1991— ),英国创作型歌手、舞台演员。2008年,她因参加英国著名选秀节目The X Factor获得了第四名的好成绩而引起了人们的关注。她的嗓音非常有特色,而她在比赛中多次翻唱的一些经典歌曲,如“With or without You”、“Yellow”等,都给评委和观众留下了深刻的印象,并大获好评。她的首支单曲“Once”于2010年3月发行,获得了英国单曲榜冠
这期介绍的歌手Sean Lennon(1975— )来头不小,他可是英国著名摇滚乐队“披头士”的成员之一John Lennon的儿子!当年John Lennon被刺杀后,其妻大野洋子为了保护年幼的儿子Sean Lennon远离媒体的狂轰滥炸,将他送进了瑞士的一所寄宿学校念书。Sean Lennon很小就开始接触音乐。尽管生活在一个万众瞩目的家庭里,Sean Lennon却是在按着自己的想法走着属于
根据热胀冷缩的原理,在夏季,构成我们身心的每一个小成分将会膨胀,我们也将拥有比以往更加强悍的抵御能力,而这恰好使夏季成为最适合回忆的时节。就如我们每日睡前无可更改的小习惯——一杯冰水、几行字的阅读、一记通话之类的等等,回忆也成为夏季不可或缺的一个组成部分。在夏季,我们回忆垂髫、回忆青春、回忆那些并非全然美好却再也回不去的日子,恍如隔世。  心理学中对于回忆的定义有些残忍:回忆是指过去的事物不在眼前
It’s an experience common to most Peace Corps volunteers upon their return to the United States. After having spent a couple of years in remote places where consumer choices were limited at best, they
When the bare feet of the baby 1)beat across the grass  The little white feet 2)nod like white flowers in the wind,   They 3)poise and run like ripples 4)lapping across the water;   And the sight of t
Sometime in my twenties I was bitten by the travel 1)bug. I’m not sure exactly when or where it happened, but I realized that being in airports, train stations, hotels, and unfamiliar cities made me e
It was 2002 and I’d been working as a labourer for about five years. I was 27 and pretty 1)macho—how could anything bad ever happen to me? On this particular job, I was digging a 2)water main with fou
多年前,当我有了“人生中,不断有人向我迎面走来,不断有人与我擦肩而过”的感慨后,我开始认真思考起“友谊”来。有人抱怨这个社会变得越来越冷漠,而人与人之间的关系也越来越“实在”。其实,对此状况,我们自己有着不可推卸的责任。任何关系,无论是亲情、爱情,还是友谊,都需要双方去维系。当你向他人索要“真诚”时,先扪心自问,你付出“真诚”了吗?  我庆幸自己至今仍拥有着好几个知心好友,我们相约见面时根本不会去