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各学校在教育教学改革中的一些做法,往往能通过教育教学改革收获的经验和教训,提高各校的教育教学水平,有的学校实施“三六一”构建高效课堂教学模式课改工作,“三”是三个环节,即预习导学、展示解疑、达标反思;“六”是六个点,即学生围绕重难点、疑点、易错点进行自主、合作、探究性学习。在学生展示过程中,教师围绕亮点、空白点、相异点给予解疑反馈;“一”是一个教学理念:关注每一个学生,发展每一个细节。此模式在实施过程中对教师的教与学生的学起到帮助、指导、促进作用。 Some schools in the reform of education and teaching practices, often through education and teaching reform can gain experience and lessons learned to improve the level of education and teaching in schools, and some schools to implement “36” to build efficient classroom teaching mode curriculum reform work “Six ” is six points, that is, students around the difficult, doubtful and error-prone points for autonomy, cooperation, exploration of the Learn. During the process of student display, teachers give feedbacks around the bright spots, blank spots and dissimilar points. “One ” is a teaching philosophy: pay attention to every student and develop every detail. This model helps, instruct and promote teachers’ teaching and student learning in the process of implementation.
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