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本文从小品石和小品石组合的界定入手,就小品石组合的表现形式、形式美的构成和艺术美的创作过程等方面加以阐述。一、小品石和小品石组合小品石的“小品”是一借用词。《辞海》对小品的释义是:“文体名。随笔、杂感等短小文章的通称。特点是深入浅出或简明生动。”所以,冠以“小品”之名的石头有两 This article starts with the definition of small stone and small stone combination, expounds the manifestations of the combination of small stone and stone, the composition of the formal beauty and the creation process of the artistic beauty. First, the essay stone and essays Stone combination essays “skit ” is a borrowed word. “Cihai” on the sketch definition is: “style name. Essay, miscellaneous articles and other short articles known. Features are easy to understand or concise and vivid. ” Therefore, the title of “sketches ” in the name of the stone there are two
红外数据传输已有十几年的历史,但最近才得以迅速流行起来,这是由于膝上型和掌上型计算机需要用它来与办公室网络中的其他设备连接和交换数据.IrDA协会(InfraredData Associa
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