雕塑本身就是材料的艺术。泥.铜、钢铁.石头.木头.陶瓷.金银.牙竹等等.自古皆然。但是.千百年来.它们也仅仅是作为“材料”而已! 材料本身的特性以及由各种材料“集合”成的非艺术品中.也同样隐含着技术之美.材质之美。这是人们以往所忽视的领域。
The sculpture itself is the art of materials. mud. Copper, steel. stone. wood. ceramics. Gold and silver. Dental bamboo and so on. Since ancient times. but. For thousands of years. They are also just “materials”! The properties of the materials themselves, as well as the non-art objects “grouped” in various materials. Also implies the beauty of technology. Material beauty. This is a neglected area of people in the past.