电影中的心绞痛病人急性发作时,总是匆忙间取出药片含在舌下,或咬破胶囊、或在口中滴入药液,十万分火急!还以为这是艺术的需要。直到读了医药专业,方知缓解心绞痛的硝酸甘油还就得舌下含服才有效! 事实上,由于药物剂型、用药途径、给药方法等的局限,有多少病人不得不忍受着无心的烦恼:胰岛素大多无法口服吸收,糖尿病人不得不拖着病体按期去医院注射,万般无奈;避孕药一不留神漏服一天,就惨中招,有苦也说不出;青光眼患者难受时,1~2小时就滴一次药水,深厌其烦;还有把那直径不到5mm的药片掰为4片,磨碎,强喂婴儿,遇到那个性baby坚决不从,三四大人也奈他不何;而癌症化疗,更是不问青红皂白,好坏细胞一概杀死,于是白血球下降,头发脱落,剧烈呕吐,胃部不适,苦不堪言…… 如何才能改变这一切,减缓病人的苦痛,让用药的烦恼随风而逝? 不断研发新药,不断创新制剂、改变制剂! 本期独家策划的视点落在后者——制剂。借致力于药物制剂及其设备研究的中国工程院院士侯惠民的话:研究制剂的目的,就是为了把药用起来方便,更有效,更安全! 临床用药,期待制剂的春天!
Angina patients in the movie acute attack, always in a hurry to take out the tablets under the tongue, or bite capsules, or drip in the mouth liquid, one hundred thousand minutes urgent! Thought this is an art need. Until you read the medical profession, nitroglycerin that relieves angina pectoris has to be sublingual for it to work! In fact, how many patients have to endure inadvertent troubles because of the limitations of the drug dosage form, the route of administration, the method of administration, etc. : Most of the insulin can not be absorbed orally, diabetic patients have to drag the body on a regular basis to the hospital for injection, helpless; contraceptives accidentally missed a day, the tragedy, bitter also can not tell; glaucoma uncomfortable, 1 ~ 2 hours to drop a syrup, deeply tired of annoying; there to the diameter of less than 5mm of the pills broke into 4, grated, strong feeding to the baby, met that sexual baby resolutely not, three or four adults also Naita What; and cancer chemotherapy, it is indiscriminate, good or bad cells are killed, so white blood cells fall, hair loss, severe vomiting, stomach discomfort, miserable ... how to change all this, to alleviate the suffering of patients let The pain of medication goes by the wind? Continuous research and development of new drugs, innovative agents, agents change! The exclusive planning point of view falls on the latter - preparation. To devote themselves to pharmaceutical preparations and equipment research Hou Huimin, Chinese Academy of Engineering, the words: the purpose of the study preparation is to facilitate the pharmaceutical up, more effective and safer! Clinical medication, looking forward to the preparation of the spring!