电反应测听(ERA,Electrical response audi-ometry)是利用现代电子技术记录因声音刺激而在听觉系统诱发的电位变化,据此了解听觉系统的功能状态,并有助于某些耳聋及中枢疾病的诊断。廿余年来,由于电子计算机技术的发展,促使电反应测听的临床应用得以实现。目前这项新技术已在国内、外受到普遍重视。电反应测听工作不仅对耳科学、听力科学甚至神经科学都产生了
Electrical response audi-ometry (ERA) is the use of modern electronic technology to record changes in the auditory system evoked by sound stimuli to understand the functional status of the auditory system and to help with certain deaf and central diseases Diagnosis. Over the past 20 years, due to the development of computer technology, the clinical application of electrical response audiometry has been realized. At present, this new technology has gained universal attention both at home and abroad. Electro-response audiometry is not only for otology, audiology and even neuroscience