多年以来,CLAAS一直研发农用拖拉机,2003年收购“雷诺农机部”为公司带来了决定性的成功。这笔交易在巴黎一家著名的酒店内敲定。由此,橙色的雷诺拖拉机变成了耀眼的绿色,收获专家CLAAS长期以来的梦想——拥有自己的拖拉机,终于实现了。雷诺遇见CLAAS 2003年2月23日,巴黎天气湿冷,和往常一样,傍晚的协和广场总是车水马龙。在广场北部的Crillon豪华酒店,CLAAS完成了一件大事,将持续改变农业技术市场。当日,这家哈斯文克企业完成了目前公司史上最大的企业收购。对于CLAAS而言,公司终于可以
CLAAS has been developing agricultural tractors for many years. In 2003, the acquisition of “Renault Agricultural Machinery” brought decisive success to the company. The deal was finalized at a prestigious hotel in Paris. As a result, the orange Renault tractor turned into a dazzling green, CLAA longtime dream of harvesting specialist CLAAS - owning its own tractor and finally realizing it. Renault Meets CLAAS On February 23, 2003, the weather in Paris was wet and cold, and, as usual, the Place de la Concorde in the evening was always busy. CLAAS completed a major event at the Crillon Luxury Hotel in the north of the square and will continue to change the agricultural technology market. The same day, this Haskell company completed the largest corporate acquisition in the company’s history. For CLAAS, the company is finally fine