1 问题的提出 DF_7型机车投入运用已有十几年,属于主型调车机车,对铁路运输生产做出了很大贡献,但在实际运用中也出现了一些质量问题,需要尽快解决。如因机车最低空转转速即基本转速偏低(400±10r/min)而引起的故障就有很多,表现之一为机车大
1 PROBLEM PROBLEMS The DF_7 locomotive has been in operation for more than ten years and belongs to the main shunting locomotive. It has made a great contribution to the railway transport production, but some quality problems have appeared in the practical application and need to be solved as soon as possible. As a result of locomotive minimum idle speed that is the basic low speed (400 ± 10r / min) caused by the failure there are many, one of the manifestations of large locomotives