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目的:分析比较MEM培养基对带状疱疹减毒活疫苗卡那霉素残留量的影响。方法:分别使用海克隆、日水2种MEM培养基培养2BS细胞,经传代、感染、洗涤、收获、合并、冻干等工序制备带状疱疹减毒活疫苗,分析比较MEM培养基对带状疱疹减毒疫苗卡那霉素残留量的影响。结果:日水MEM培养基制备的带状疱疹减毒活疫苗卡那霉素残留量一般是海克隆MEM培养基制备疫苗的5-10倍。结论:美国海克隆实验公司的MEM培养基卡那霉素残留量明显小于日水MEM培养基。 Objective: To analyze and compare the effect of MEM medium on the kanamycin residues in live attenuated herpes zoster vaccine. Methods: 2BS cells were cultured in two kinds of MEM culture mediums, respectively. The attenuated live attenuated zoster vaccine was prepared by passage, infection, washing, harvesting, merging, Effect of Herpes Attenuated Vaccine Kanamycin Residues. Results: Residual amount of kanamycin in live attenuated herpes zoster vaccine prepared in daily water MEM culture medium was generally 5-10 times higher than that in the preparation of the vaccine by using Hepatic MEM medium. CONCLUSION: The residual amount of kanamycin in MEM culture medium of American clone laboratory was significantly lower than that of Japanese water MEM medium.
人在饥饿的时候,会有什么感觉?今天好多人,已经久违那种头昏、眼花、胃痉挛的生理疼痛和心理恐惧,除了那些刻意减肥的朋友。饥饿,过去只是个被动的生活选项,而现在,它开始成为某些人群的文化自觉,乃至演变为一种疗法。  冯小刚拍《1942》,要求演员减肥,饿着,大冬天一顿就喝一碗菜粥。张国立一天只吃一个苹果,最后减了21斤。为什么不可以借助化妆、造型、灯光等现代技术去“打造”一个饥民形象?张国立回答:自信