41岁的人大代表、用友软件公司董事长兼总裁王文京在今年全国“两会”上提出的部分提案内容, 为什么再次涉及中国软件业发展的重要问题?王文京领导的用友软件公司2005年主营业务收入增长 39%,利润增长率40%,营收突破10亿大关,这虽然是中国独立软件供应商前所未有的成就,但用友却急切地希望成为国际化企业,王文京投资与发展的智慧和谋略,也将因此面临新的考验
41-year-old NPC deputies, UFIDA Chairman and CEO Wang Wenjing in this year’s National “two sessions” put forward some of the contents of the proposal, why once again involved in the development of China’s software industry an important issue? UF Software Company led by Wang Wenjing main 2005 Business revenue growth of 39%, 40% profit growth, revenue exceeded 1 billion mark, although this is an unprecedented achievement of China’s independent software vendors, but UF eager to become an international enterprise, Wang Wenjing wisdom of investment and development And strategy, will therefore face a new test