目前,人们普遍“非典”表现出的一些紧张恐慌,从心理角度讲是正常的,说明每个人都很重视“非典”。但是,有一些人表现出过度紧张恐慌不安的情绪,这就不正常了,如有的人自己身体稍有一点不适就十分紧张焦虑,有的人一次反复洗手二三十分钟或一天测体温7~8次等强迫表现,还有的人总是坐卧不安,吃不好睡不好等等。一、造成恐慌的原因: (一)认知的偏差。过多的认识到“非典”传染性较强的负面;没有认识在短期内有了
At present, some people are generally panic about “SARS” and are psychologically normal. This shows that everyone attaches great importance to “SARS.” However, some people show excessive nervous anxiety, which is not normal, if some people feel very nervous about their own body a little bit uncomfortable, and some people repeatedly wash their hands twenty or thirty minutes or a day temperature 7 ~ 8 times forced performance, and others are always restless, poor sleep, and so on. First, the causes of panic: (A) cognitive bias. Too much to recognize the “contagious” SARS "negative negative; did not know in the short term with