地址:山东省潍坊市东风东街301号晨鸿大厦16层铭昶书画艺术有限公司电话:0536-8189090 8277577传真:0536-8277577电子邮箱:[email protected]网址:www.wfmchl.com旅澳画家赵红斌油画展将于2008年7月18日在铭昶画廊开展潘金玲女,1959年8月生,江苏如东人。1982年2月毕业于南京师范学院美术系中国画专业,获文学学士学位。现为南京师范大学美术学院副教授,硕士生导师,江苏省美术家协会会员。作品多次参加各级各类展览,粉画《傣寨风情》参加第8届全国美术作品展;
Address: Dongfeng East Street, Weifang City, Shandong Province, No. 301 Chenhong Building, 16th floor Ming Chang Painting and Calligraphy and Painting Co., Ltd. Tel: 0536-8189090 8277577 Fax: 0536-8277577 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.wfmchl.com L Painter Zhao Hongbin Oil Painting Exhibition will be held on July 18, 2008 in Ming Chang Gallery Pan Jinling female, born in August 1959, Jiangsu Rudong. 1982 February graduated from Nanjing Normal University Department of Fine Arts Chinese painting, bachelor of arts degree. Now Nanjing Normal University Academy of Fine Arts associate professor, master tutor, Jiangsu Province Artists Association. Works to participate in various exhibitions at all levels, painting “Dai Village style” to participate in the 8th National Art Exhibition;