在市场经济的冲击下,中国不少游乐景点都用现代声光科技制造妖魔鬼怪的“游乐宫”来吸引游人,特别是利用不相干的广告以及优惠票价,吸引青少年及儿童入场。这些广告包括少年儿童喜爱的孙悟空、济公、哪吒等神话人物形象和一些引起儿童好奇心的醒目文字。 据一位去年暑假带着上小学的儿子游玩了中国南方几个省的曾先生称,这几个省几乎每个旅游景点都有“神鬼宫”、“妖魔窟”、“地狱城”之类的游乐项
Under the impact of the market economy, many tourist attractions in China use modern acousto-optic technology to create ghost monsters’ amusement palaces to attract tourists. In particular, the use of unrelated advertisements and discounted fares has attracted the attention of young people and children. These ads include images of mythical creatures such as Sun Wukong, Jigong and Nao, which are popular among children and children, and some eye-catching writings that generate curiosity among children. According to a man who spent the summer of last year playing primary school in several provinces in southern China, Mr. Tsang said that nearly every tourist attraction in these provinces includes “Temple of the Divine,” “Demon Cave,” “City of Inferno.” Class of amusement items