共青团干部队伍是党执政的潜 在力量。是否具备高素质、战斗力 强不强,不仅影响到团的凝聚能力, 也直接影响到党未来的执政水平。 企业团干部同时还是生产经营管理 的中坚力量,对企业的可持续发展 起着重要作用。在新的历史时期. 共青团干部不仅需要具备一般团员 青年的政治意识、组织意识和模范 意识,还应进一步增强政治使命意 识、凝聚感召意识、工作创新意识、 服务青年意识、终身学习意识,通 过这些意识指导团的工作,更好地 组织团员增强意识、团支部健全组 织、全面活跃企业团的工作。
The CYL cadre ranks as a potential force for the party in power. Whether or not they have high-quality and strong fighting power not only affects the cohesiveness of the regiment, but also directly affects the future ruling level of the party. Corporate cadres at the same time is also the backbone of production and management, the sustainable development of enterprises plays an important role. In the new historical period. The CYL cadres should not only have the political awareness, organizational awareness and model awareness of the general youth members, but also further enhance the political mission consciousness, gather the awareness of induction, the awareness of work innovation, the awareness of serving the youth and the lifelong learning and the guidance of the CYL through these awareness, Organize members to better enhance awareness, improve the organization of branches and groups, the full active business mission.