一、前言 我国过去一般所用的杀虫剂,多为矿物质及油类,对植物多具药害,且多是外来品,价值昂贵,不能普遍施用。作者在前作“桃象鼻虫生活史的初步观察”的防治试验中,乃尽量采用土产有毒植物,发现本地百部(俗名九重根)具有杀虫效力,故有进行研究之必要。因此作者於1950年2月12月在巴县龙车寺从事百部杀虫效力的初步(或单质)试验以测定其杀虫作用,效力大小、调制方法、贮藏时间的久暂,毒质所在的部位,施用後毒效存在之时间及药害等,作一确切考查,以为将来防治实施之依据。并将试验结果及百部形态作一报告,以供参考。
I. Introduction In the past, insecticides used in our country were mostly minerals and oils. They were harmful to plants and were mostly foreign products. They were expensive and could not be applied universally. In the previous prevention and control test of “Peach weevil’s life history preliminary observation”, the author tried to use indigenous poisonous plants as much as possible and found that local one hundred (common name nine-root) insecticidal efficacy, it is necessary to carry out research. Therefore, the author conducted a preliminary (or simple substance) experiment on the insecticidal effect of 100 pesticides in Longcun Temple, Ba County in December 1950 to determine its insecticidal effect, potency, modulation method and storage time, Of the site after the application of toxic effects of the existence of time and injury, etc., for a specific examination, that prevention and control in the future implementation of the basis. And the test results and a hundred form for a report for reference.