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言意论是中国古代哲学的重要理论,在经历了从先秦到魏晋由哲学思辨的发展逐渐进入到美学和文学理论领域,成为中国古代美学、文学理论的一个重要范畴,同时它的形成和发展对中国古代美学和文论产生了重大影响,其中它对意境论的影响更为明显,二者之间有着密切的联系,本文力图从对言意论的发展入手来探明这一理论对意境论所产生的影响及作用。 Speech theory is an important theory of ancient Chinese philosophy. It has gradually entered the field of aesthetics and literary theory from pre-Qin to the development of philosophical speculation and became an important category of ancient Chinese aesthetics and literary theory. At the same time, its formation and Development has a significant impact on ancient Chinese aesthetics and literary theory, of which the impact on the artistic conception is more obvious, and there is a close relationship between the two. This article tries hard to start from the development of utterance and argumentation, On the impact and effect.
【正】 1975年11月间,蓟县邦均镇北平整耕地发现古墓两座。市文物管理处闻讯后,即派考古队同蓟县文物保管所人员前往清理。现将这两座古墓情况介绍如下: