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邵华同志3月18日《人民政协报》上《建一座摄影博物馆如何》的文章,读毕怦然心动,本人虽在出版社当了30多年文字编辑,却也和“摄影”有过一线因缘。1964年大学毕业以后,分配到中国文联属下的一个小协会“中国摄影学会”工作。地址就在东城无量大人胡同24号。这是京城一条有名的胡同。晚清的兵部尚书、总理各国事务大臣董恂即居于此(钱钟书先生说董恂还是向中国“具体介绍近代西洋文学的第一人”),解放以后,朱良才上将亦居于此;而24号更加有名,我一报到,就得知,此宅曾是梅兰芳先生旧居(后来屠珍女士告诉我,她公公最辉煌的时期,即在无量大人胡同)。进西口往东行,胡同中间路北,一溜合瓦的南房倒座儿,西边是木板汽车门儿,东边是缩进去的朱漆广梁大门,右侧门礅上方悬挂着毛主席所书“中国摄影学会”红字大匾。二进院落,前后院间有一极大的长方形木板地大厅,据说是梅先生练功演习之所,因为我看到东墙一侧,确实开着两个“上场门儿”“下场门 On March 18, Comrade Shaohua’s article entitled “How to Construct a Museum of Photography” on the “People’s Political Consultative Conference Newspaper”, although he was editor of the publishing house for more than 30 years, has also taken a first-line with Photography cause. After graduating from college in 1964, he was assigned to work as a “China Photography Society”, a small association under the Chinese Literary Association. The address is no limit on the East in the alley on the 24th alley. This is a famous alley in the capital. In the late Qing dynasty, the chief of the military affairs, Dong Zhen, the prime minister, resided here (Mr. Qian said that Dong was still “the first person to introduce modern Western literature to China.”) After the liberation, Zhu Liangcai also lived here; No. 24 was even better known. As soon as I checked in, I learned that this house was former residence of Mr. Mei Lanfang (Later, Ms. Teresa told me that her father’s most glorious period, that is, immeasurable adult alley). Into the west exit to the east, alley middle of the alley, a slippery tile of the South House abdomen, the west is a car door children, the east is retractable Zhu paint Guangliang door, hung above the right door mao Chairman Mao’s book “ Chinese Photography Society ”red big plaque. Two into the courtyard, before and after the courtyard has a great rectangular wooden floor hall, is said to be the practice practice of Mr. Mei, because I see the east side of the wall, really open two “playing children” "