200年3月12日,中国社会科学院亚洲研究中心揭牌仪式在我院举行,我院副院长王洛林和韩国高等教育财团事务总长金在烈等出席。 王洛林副院长在致辞中说,韩国高等教育财团与我院交往的时间虽然不长,但已经在我院的许多学者中享有美誉。从2000年起,韩国高等教育财团已资助我院10位博士到韩国进行为期一年的研究工作。这些学者在韩国的研究工作进行得顺利而富有成果。从这些初步交往中,我们感受到韩国高
On March 12, 200, the inauguration ceremony of the Asian Studies Center of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences was held in our hospital. Wang Lulin, vice president of our college, and Kim Jae-li, chief of the consortium for higher education of South Korea, attended the ceremony. In his speech, Wang Lulin, vice dean of the government, said that although the time for the South Korean higher education consortium to contact with our hospital is not long, it has enjoyed a good reputation among many scholars in our hospital. Since 2000, the Korea Higher Education Foundation has funded 10 Ph.D. students in our hospital to conduct a one-year research project in South Korea. The research work of these scholars in South Korea went smoothly and fruitfully. From these initial contacts, we feel South Korea is high