The Shanghai Traditional Chinese Medicine Treatment Team of the Scientific Research Committee of Shanghai Schistosomiasis Research Committee conducted clinical trials at Xuhui Hospital under the guidance of experts of Chinese and Western medicine. It was proved that “Xiangbansan” (Compound Minghao) is effective for the treatment of early schistosomiasis, and fecal schistosomiasis eggs were examined. Most are negative. The party was made up of Xiong Huang Pills of the “Medical Enlightenment” of Cheng Guopeng Peng in the Qing Dynasty, and the prescription of Xiong Ben Pills (including realgar, betel nut, and alum) in the Qing Dynasty. According to the clinical observations of Xuhui Hospital, schistosomiasis was treated with male hormonal granules. Of the 18 cases, 2 of the 18 cases were consecutive negative. In other 16 cases, the effect was not significant due to insufficient medication or intermittent medication. Afterwards, we continued in 8 cases