技术的进步不断地打破传统著作权利益平衡的格局,同时又催生着新平衡格局的形成。网络与数字技术造就了大规模储存与网络定位的现实性,改变了作品使用的传统方式,同时使著作权法面临新的挑战。法院作为迎接挑战的先行者,在司法实践中传递着新的利益导向。在Authors Guild,Inc.v.Hathi Trust案中,法院以著作权的核心价值为基准,根据合理使用规则,再次站在了维护公共利益的立场上。在该案中,上诉法院不仅厘清了合理使用要素的考量标准,纠正了一审法院的推理错误,还为解决新技术引发的著作权问题提供了思路,在司法实践中极具参考价值。
Technological advances continue to break the balance of the traditional pattern of copyright balance, while giving birth to a new balance of the formation of the pattern. Network and digital technologies have created the reality of large-scale storage and network positioning, changing the traditional way of using works and at the same time bringing copyright law to new challenges. As the forerunner of the challenge, the court conveys a new interest orientation in judicial practice. In the Authors Guild, Inc.v.Hathi Trust case, the court, once again based on the core values of copyright, stood once again in the position of safeguarding the public interest under the rules of fair use. In this case, the appellate court not only clarified the considerations of the rational use of elements, corrected the reasoning errors of the courts of first instance, but also provided ideas for solving the copyright problems caused by new technologies and was of great reference value in judicial practice.