1 摘僵果 病僵果是病菌和害虫的主要越冬场所,为来年重要的初侵染源。摘除僵果,集中深埋或烧毁,是降低来年病虫基数的重要措施。2 剪树枝 剪掉树上被病虫侵染危害的枝条,以及摘除树冠上大袋蛾虫囊袋和清除位于树杈、粗皮处的黄刺蛾越冬茧。此项工作结合冬季石榴树修剪时进
1 Fruit and bear fruit stiff fruit is the main wintering bacteria and pests, for the coming year an important source of initial infection. Removal of the stiff fruits, concentrated in the deep or burned down, is an important measure to reduce the number of pests and diseases in the coming year. 2 Cut the branches Cut the branches of the tree harbored by pests and diseases, remove the canopy of the bagger’s pocket and remove the stinging cocoon of the yellow-throated moth at the branches and barks. This work combines winter pomegranate tree pruning into