一年一度的“五一”国际劳动节又要来临了,劳动者的 健康再次成为引人关注的话题。随着时代的进步,人们的工 作压力也与日俱增,头痛成了当今社会的“流行病”之一。 在中国城市居民中大约50%的人经历过不同程度的头痛。在 适龄劳动力人群中头痛是一种非常普遍的疾病。 在生产力更加发达的美国,大约95%的女性和90%的男 性每年至少出现一次头痛症状。美国劳工协会的一项的抽样 调查显示,有13%的人在两周的时间内曾有由于疼痛导致生 产时间流失的经历,其中头痛占42%,是导致生产时间缩短 的最为主要的一种疼痛,大部分生产时间流失的原因是因病 无法工作和由于疼痛造成的工作效率下降。抽样调查还表明 进行理想的治疗后,头痛患者因疼痛导致生产时间流失的情 况会大大减少。
The annual May Day International Labor Day is just around the corner, and the health of workers once again becomes a topic of concern. As time progresses, people are under increasing pressure of work. Headache has become one of the “epidemics” in today’s society. About 50% of Chinese urban residents experience varying degrees of headache. Headache is a very common condition in working-age people. In the more productive United States, about 95% of women and 90% of men show at least one item of headache a year. According to a sample survey conducted by the American Institute of Labor, 13% of people experienced pain-related loss of production time within two weeks, with headache accounting for 42% of the total, leading to a decrease in production time Pain, most of the loss of production time is due to work-related illness and reduced work efficiency due to pain. The sample survey also showed that after the ideal treatment, headache patients due to pain lead to the loss of production time will be greatly reduced.