日本有关青少年参与社会的讨论始于2 0世纪70年代后半期。1 979年,总理府的咨询机构青少年问题审议会发表了“青少年与社会参与”报告。该报告指出,“社会参与”并不单单是让青少年参与社会活动,还关系到青少年认识社会和创造社会。参加过报告起草的松原治郎认为,社会参与是从
Japan’s discussion of adolescent participation in society began in the second half of the 1970s. In 1979, the Adviser to the Juvenile Council of the Prime Minister’s Office published a report entitled “Youth and Social Participation.” According to the report, “social participation” is not about engaging young people in social activities, but also on teenagers’ understanding of society and the creation of a society. Matsubara Matsunaga, who participated in the drafting of the report, believes that social participation is from