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寒假来了,春节还会远吗?还是学生的时候,我通常会在寒假计划里写上“多做运动,锻炼身体”。结果呢,一个寒假下来,运动锻炼的总时间可能还没有享受一顿大餐花的时间多。因为,你瞧,对我们这些“吃货”来说,这是一个多么幸福的美食假期啊,最应节的贺年糖果、餐桌上的大鱼大肉、走亲戚的拜年礼物……你兴高采烈地大快朵颐,从年廿八开始一直吃到正月十五,感觉身体的每个细胞都被食物暖暖地包裹着,就连打个嗝也是浓浓的年味儿,怎 When the winter vacation is coming, can the Spring Festival be far behind? When I was a student, I usually wrote “Do more exercise and exercise” during the winter vacation plan. As a result, a winter vacation, the total exercise time may not have spent more time to enjoy a big meal. Because, you see, for us these “food”, this is a very happy food holiday ah, the most important New Year’s sweets, big meal on the table, take the relatives of the New Year’s gift ... you happily Bustling, from the beginning of the eve of twenty-eight have been eating the first lunar January fifteen, feeling every cell in the body are food wrapped warmly, and even hiccups are thick year-old child, how
Objective:To present clinical and pathologic features of pulmonary hyalnizing granuloma through analyzing three cases found in our institution and reviewing cas
老耍rn对老耍感兴趣,首先是他的姓. 中国人的姓氏真是千奇百怪, 竟然还有姓耍的. 他是我们单位的一个处长,全名耍前进,大家习惯称他“老耍”、“耍处长”,或者就叫“耍处”.r
摘要:水资源是地球上不可或缺的主要资源。贵州省于1996年出台了《贵州省红枫湖、百花湖水资源环境保护条例》,此条例针对红枫湖、百花湖水资源进行保护和管理。本文以百花湖水资源为例,针对水资源保护的现状进行调研和分析,并提出完善百花湖水资源保护的法律对策。  关键词:贵州;百花湖;水资源保护;法律对策  一、贵州省百花湖水资源基本概况  (一)百花湖水资源现状  百花湖是贵州省级风景名胜区之一,主要有
Objective To analyze the clinical characteristics of nonfunctioning pheochromocytoma, and to evaluate the efficacy of 131Ⅰ-metaiodobenzylguanidine (MIBG) scan