加令岭水库出现管涌!阳升里居民房屋被淹!沙湾村群众被洪水围困!文赞水库出现险情!屯郊乡敬老院的12位老人被洪水围困!……从10月14日早晨起,屯昌县三防指挥部、县委办公室、县政府办公室就不断接到告急电话,在洪水的暴虐下,屯昌四面告急! 从13日20时至14日20时,屯昌降雨量达578毫米,大大突破该县日降雨量457毫米的历史最高纪录。百年一遇的特大暴雨无情地肆虐于屯昌大地,时刻威胁着人民群众的生命
Jia Ling Reservoir appears piping! Residents Yangshengli flooded houses! Sandy Bay villagers were trapped in the flood! Wenzan Reservoir dangerous! Tuen rural homes for the elderly 12 were trapped in the flood! ...... From the morning of October 14 , Tunchang County, three defensive headquarters, county office, county government offices continue to receive an emergency call, under the tyranny of the flood, Tunchang surrounded by an emergency! From 20:00 on the on the 13th to 20:00 on the 14th, Tunchang rainfall of 578 Mm, greatly breaking the county’s highest rainfall record of 457 mm. The once-in-a-century torrential rains relentlessly ravaged Tunchang, threatening the lives of the people at large