近日IBM的研究人员研发了一款高性能的纳米级电路,整体厚度非常薄,可以折叠弯曲来适应不同的设备需要。依赖这款电路提供的强大功率,流线型电脑和可植入型医疗设备在未来都可能实现。Stephen Bedell和Davood Shahrjerdi是微软IBM托马斯.沃森研究中心的两位研究员,就是他们研发出了这款纳米级电路。
Recently, IBM researchers have developed a high-performance nano-scale circuit, the overall thickness is very thin, you can bend to adapt to different equipment needs. Relying on this circuit to provide the power, streamlined computers and implantable medical devices in the future may be achieved. Stephen Bedell and Davood Shahrjerdi, two researchers at the IBM Thomas Watson Research Center in Microsoft, developed the nanometer-scale circuit.