
来源 :中国文化研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:alecsuss
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明代“博杂”之学术特色根源于当时的博学思潮,而博学思潮之所以在明代发生又绝非偶然,究其原因,主要包括三个方面:思想文化渊源、科举制度和明代的政治思想现实及风气。其中,学术传统中的博学思想为博学思潮的发生奠定了坚实的思想基础;明代的科举制度和政治思想现实及风气在为空疏不学之风的滋长提供条件和制度保障的同时,也为博学思潮的发生准备了批判、反思的目标和对象,并提供了理论和实践以及学者群体上的保障,而这两个方面又是促成博学思潮在明代这一特定历史时期发生的决定性因素。 The academic characteristics of “Bo Miscellaneous” in the Ming Dynasty originated from the current erudite trend of thought. However, the reason why the erudition of Taoism occurred in the Ming Dynasty was by no means accidental. The reasons mainly include three aspects: the origin of thought and culture, the imperial examination system and the politics of the Ming Dynasty Reality and ethos. Among them, the erudite thought in academic tradition laid a solid ideological foundation for the occurrence of the ethnological thought. While the imperial examination system and the reality and ethos of political thought in the Ming Dynasty provided the conditions and system guarantee for the growth of the airless and non-learned style, The emergence of the trend of thought prepares the goals and objects of criticism and reflection, and provides the theoretical and practical protection as well as scholars’ groups. These two aspects are also the decisive factors that have contributed to the emergence of erudite in the particular historical period of the Ming Dynasty.
<正> 当辩论结论要求作出决定时,当对某一职务任命需要作决定或选举时,议会就要通过表决这一程序,以形成一个多数。依据少数服从多数的原则,多数决定就成代表议会整体的决定
<正> 前言近几年来,我们运用价值工程理论改进模具结构,设计出双排少废料冲裁级进模。使冲压置加工材料利用率比原来提高10%~40%,生产效率提高一倍到二倍,冲压件生产成本下降27%~4