目的:探讨膀胱白斑的病因、诊断与治疗。方法:采用经尿道电切术治疗膀胱白斑患者20例,均经尿道超越白斑边缘0.5 cm处开始电切,深达粘膜下层或浅肌层。结果:本组20例均经病理检查证实为膀胱白斑,术后拔除尿管后尿路刺激征消失,随访3个月-5年未见复发及恶变者。结论:经尿道电切治疗膀胱白斑手术方法简单,易于掌握,创伤小,配合抗生素治疗效果显著。
Objective: To investigate the etiology, diagnosis and treatment of bladder leukoplakia. Methods: Transurethral resection of the bladder in patients with leukoplakia in 20 cases, all over the edge of the urethra 0.5 cm at the beginning of transurethral resection, deep mucous layer or superficial muscle. Results: Twenty cases of this group were proved to have bladder leukoplakia by pathology examination. Urinary tract irritation disappeared after removal of the catheter. No recurrence and malignant transformation were observed during 3 months to 5 years follow-up. Conclusion: Transurethral electrosurgery for the treatment of bladder leukoplakia is simple, easy to grasp, with less trauma and obvious antibiotic treatment.