
来源 :预防医学情报杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:reno1126
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目的了解2006-2013年云南省农村地区老年人跌倒的流行特征及变化趋势,为制定有效预防控制策略、提高老年人生活质量提供依据。方法选择首次在云南省伤害监测系统农村哨点医院就诊被诊断为跌伤的老年人病例进行描述性分析。结果 2006-2013年共收集有效病例6 270例。8年间云南省农村地区的老年人跌倒发生比例从2006年的47.66%上升到2013年的72.47%。随着老年人年龄的增加,发生跌倒的风险也增高。60~74岁组老年人发生跌倒的比例为60.43%,75~89岁组老年人为67.71%,90岁及以上老人则高达83.64%。女性高于男性。跌倒的高发地点主要是家中、农田和公共居住场所。前3位活动依次为休闲活动、有偿工作和家务/学习。跌伤部位主要是下肢、躯干和头部。跌伤以非故意伤害、轻度和中度受伤为主。结论云南省农村地区老年人跌倒问题不容忽视,应引起高度重视,针对不同年龄段老年人发生跌倒的主要场所和伤害特点,采取相应的预防干预措施,以降低跌伤对老年人生命健康的损害。 Objective To understand the epidemiological characteristics and trends of falls among the elderly in rural areas of Yunnan Province from 2006 to 2013, and to provide basis for making effective prevention and control strategies and improving the quality of life for the elderly. Methods A descriptive analysis of the elderly patients who were diagnosed as fall injuries was conducted for the first time in the rural sentinel hospital of the injury monitoring system in Yunnan Province. Results A total of 6 270 valid cases were collected between 2006 and 2013. In the eight-year period, the percentage of elderly people falling from rural areas in Yunnan Province increased from 47.66% in 2006 to 72.47% in 2013. As the elderly age increases, the risk of falls is also increased. The incidence of falls in 60- to 74-year-olds was 60.43%, 67.71% in 75-89-year-olds and 83.64% in 90-year-olds and older. Women are higher than men. The high incidence of falls is mainly home, farmland and public place of residence. The first three activities followed by leisure activities, paid work and housework / study. Injury sites mainly lower extremity, trunk and head. Injuries were primarily unintentional injuries, mild and moderate injuries. Conclusion The problem of falls in the elderly in rural areas of Yunnan Province should not be neglected and should be given high priority. In order to reduce the damage to the lives and health of the elderly, appropriate preventive measures should be taken in response to the main places of falls and injuries among the elderly in different age groups .
疏水改性聚丙烯酰胺 (HM PAM )引起的粗糙度降低和贝雷面的完全覆盖能够改善界面的润滑性 ,由此可以提高非润湿流体 (原油 )的流动。附加接触角的测量发现 ,PAM能够稍微增加
本文对恒功率变量泵进行了动态分析和计算机仿真,理论和仿真均表明,恒功率控制系统是成功的,各调节机构能够在系统工作时正常发挥作用。 In this paper, dynamic analysis and