Overview A wide range of A / D converters, AD574 A / D converter has been used by many foreign manufacturers for their own data acquisition system, there are many domestic units choose AD574 design data acquisition system. Some device manufacturers are introducing the production of this AD574 Key Features The AD574 is a large scale integrated circuit manufactured by Analog Devices and is the most advanced, highly integrated and inexpensive analog-to-digital converter available on the international market today The chip contains microcomputer interface logic, which can be easily interfaced with common microprocessor systems such as 8080, 8085, Z-80, 6800, 6502. The input is compatible with TTL and CMOS, and the data bus can be directly connected with the microcomputer data bus to read and write And conversion command provided by the control bus, the output can be read out once in 12 bits or two times (read the first high 8, read low 4) read the input voltage has a unipolar and bipolar two. It provides a + 10.000V reference voltage and a maximum output current of 1.5mA. It has a wide temperature range and ensures linearity in this temperature range.