律师与银行家携手 法律与金融业共荣——访北京天铎律师事务所主任律师胡维翊

来源 :银行家 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:rhetthusida
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加入世贸组织后,银行业作为由垄断向市场化过渡的行业之一,将面临很大的挑战。其中规则意识的培育和有效利用是保障我国银行业“软着陆”的重要基石。规则运用的直接表征就是法律服务在银行业经营中的地位。 After joining the WTO, the banking industry will face great challenges as one of the industries that transition from monopoly to marketization. The fostering and effective use of these rules is an important cornerstone for ensuring the “soft landing” of China’s banking sector. The direct use of rules is the legal services in the banking business status.